Things You Should Know Before You Schedule a Chimney Inspection
Whether you’re looking to sell your home or want to ensure it’s in good shape, having a Chimney Inspection performed is a great idea. However, there are some things you should know before you schedule one. These tips will ensure you get the most out of your inspection and avoid potential hazards.
Getting a chimney inspection is important. A thorough chimney inspection can identify major issues with the chimney that can be costly to repair. It can also be the only way to ensure the safety of your chimney. The National Fire Protection Association recommends having a chimney inspection every year. Level-one inspections are usually all that most homeowners need.
Level two chimney inspections are recommended for homes that have experienced extreme weather events. They also help to determine the overall condition of a chimney. This type of inspection is recommended for homes that are being sold or purchased. They may also be recommended before relining the chimney or changing the fuel source.
Level three chimney inspections are recommended when the chimney has suffered significant damage. This may include tearing out sections of the chimney or the surrounding building materials. This inspection can be costly and time-consuming.
Level one inspections are done visually. A certified chimney sweep will inspect the chimney’s interior and exterior and ensure there are no blockages in the chimney. This inspection is performed according to National Fire Protection Association standards. Level two chimney inspections are more in-depth than the level one inspection. During a level two inspection, the chimney sweep may use a video camera to inspect the chimney. This video is used to find cracks or other structural issues that are not visible from the ground.
A carbon monoxide detector in your home is a good way to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. This odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas is produced when fuel is burned. It is a common industrial hazard and causes serious health issues. Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of incomplete combustion. It displaces oxygen from the blood and deprives vital organs of oxygen. It is also a silent killer.
There are many ways to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. The most important is to make sure your fuel-burning appliances are vented correctly. These include gas ovens, furnaces, water heaters, and fireplaces. These appliances should be serviced and inspected at least once a year.
Chimneys that are not maintained properly can create a backup of carbon monoxide in the home. During chimney inspections, you should look for debris in the base of your chimney and open your dampers. If you notice a foul smell or any other signs of carbon monoxide, shut off the gas and call a plumber or other qualified professional.
You should also ensure that your chimney is properly vented. This is especially important if you have a fireplace. If your fireplace is not vented, the carbon monoxide will come back into your living area and poison you.
Ask the right questions to find qualified people to do the job. Taking the time to ask the right questions can help you find qualified people to do the job of chimney inspection. A qualified chimney inspection company can save you money and stress. They also have the best interest of their customers at heart.
The chimney is an important part of any home and needs regular inspections to keep it in good working condition. If you have not had your chimney inspected recently, you might not be aware of problems such as missing flashing or a missing mortar liner. A fire could start in your chimney and spread to your home. Taking care of the problem before it becomes dangerous could prevent you from losing your house to a fire.
There are many chimney companies to choose from. You can also ask your friends and neighbors for recommendations. The Better Business Bureau can also help you find reputable companies.
Fortunately, hiring a qualified chimney company is easier than it sounds. Make sure your chosen company has a good track record and carrys proper liability insurance. A competent chimney sweep is also a plus. They should be able to provide estimates before they start work and be courteous enough to answer your questions about the job.